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COVID-19 Oral Prescription Treatment Campaign

COVID-19 Oral Prescription Treatment Campaign

COVID-19 ORAL PRESCRIPTION TREATMENT CAMPAIGN 2023 A leading oral antiviral increased brand awareness and influenced future use of COVID-19 Oral Prescription Treatments among Walmart shoppers that visited the Pharmacy department, used the Walmart Health Center kiosk...
TV Campaign

TV Campaign

TV CAMPAIGN 2023 A leading TV brand successfully promotes its brand, showcases product features and drives purchase with a multi-month campaign on PRN’s Costco TV Network Campaign Objective Promote the TV brand, showcase key product features and drive purchase of TVs...
Credit Card Campaign

Credit Card Campaign

CREDIT CARD CAMPAIGN 2023 A leading credit card brand successfully amplifies its brand and drives acquisition and usage with a multi-month campaign on PRN’s Costco TV Network Campaign Objective Amplify the credit card brand, drive usage and acquisition of the brand at...
Premium Packaged Water Campaign

Premium Packaged Water Campaign

PREMIUM PACKAGED WATER CAMPAIGN 2023 A premium packaged water brand successfully amplifies its brand and drives purchase with a campaign on PRN’s Costco TV Network Campaign Objective Increase brand awareness and drive purchase of the brand’s packaged water at Costco...
Mattresses Campaign

Mattresses Campaign

MATTRESSES CAMPAIGN 2023 A leading mattress brand successfully amplifies its brand and drives purchase with a campaign on a PRN’s Costco TV Network Campaign Objective Amplify the brand, build awareness of the product and drive purchase of the mattress brand at Costco...